William Echevarria

William Echevarria’s journey to success was not an easy one. He joined the Marine Corps in 2001, where he served for four years. During his time in service, William became disabled due to a service-related injury. Despite this setback, William did not let his disability hold him back and pursued higher education.

After his honorable discharge from the Marine Corps, William went on to graduate from Keller Management School in 2013, where he earned a Master’s degree in Information Technology. William’s passion for the field led him to become an expert in Information Technology, and he has worked with the DOJ, DOD, and in the civilian space for over 20 years.

William’s experience in government contracting led him to become a critical problem solver providing custom solutions and eventually an owner of his own government contracting business. As a result, these skills have led him into partnerships with author, coach, investor, and mentor Kris Krohn and financial, wealth, and life insurance experts from the Donnelly team to pursue his entrepreneurial endeavors. William’s success in business has allowed him to become an active investor and a visionary in the industry.

Throughout his career, William has become an educator to those around him, sharing his expertise and knowledge with others. He has also been an advocate for disabled veterans, raising awareness about the challenges they face and helping to provide resources to support them.

William Echevarria’s journey is a testament to his determination and resilience. Despite the obstacles he faced, he has become a successful individual and an inspiration to many. His passion for Information Technology, dedication to business, and commitment to helping others have made him a valuable member of his community.

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